Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Healing Power of Water - Are you sick? Or are you just dehydrated?

The Healing Power of Water by Julia Buxton is a non-fiction work that deals with the subject of water and its relationship to good health. In this fascinating book Buxton considers more than a dozen of our most common health complaints including high blood pressure, poor sleep and arthritis in the light of the effects of inadequate water consumption upon the body. It is not so much that water is a magical cure, she explains, but that a pre-existing state of dehydration is a major component of many illnesses. An adequate intake of water optimises the body’s performance and strengthens the immune system, enabling it to resist disease.

Many of us already know that we should drink more water, but Buxton estimates that more than 70% of people “…walk around in a constant or fluctuating state of dehydration” and they “tend to undervalue the healing power of water when it comes to common complaints”. The style is intelligent and engaging and it’s an interesting read. Did you know, for example, that muscle contains around 73% water whereas fat has 20% or less? Is the current popularity of bottled spring water based on sound thinking or are the health benefits a costly myth? How much water should you be drinking each day? We’re often told a general figure of ‘six to eight glasses’ but Julia Buxton provides a formula by which you can calculate exactly how much water your body needs.

Buxton reveals that many popular beliefs about water are erroneous, she analyses some fascinating relationships between water consumption and weight-loss and shows how you can gain more benefit from drinking water than from expensive skin creams and lotions. Of special interest to sports people, health practitioners and in general to anyone interested in a healthy lifestyle, the book manages to be an easy read and informative at the same time. follow this link to buy this great book now! -